jeudi 1 janvier 2009

Ooo Bouddha ooO


5 commentaires:

jiggins a dit…

Super Cool!

Sir Pumpkin a dit…

I very much enojoy your work, lively composition and vibrant colours. Good blog. :)

Charli Henley a dit…

Wow - your art is wonderful. I could get lost in it.

Charli Henley a dit…

Hey there Zen... I noticed you stopped by Broken Mannequin recently. Just wanted to say hi. I didn't know if you were still around and was cleaning out my blog list. But here you are! Nice to see you. I hope you post new art soon!

Linda S. Socha a dit…

Love your ART It is both elegant and free. Stop by Psyche Connections and say hello! Hope you week is filled with more of this wonderful art